Monday, February 16, 2009

Got orgasm?

My friend Viv, a journalist in the UK, was asking me recently about the film "Orgasmic Birth." She, like any good reporter, was skeptical.

"The more I read on this subject the more I just refuse to believe in the existence of the birth orgasm... They are confusing one sensation with another, I feel," she said.

Ah, Viv.

I told her that while I do believe it is minutely possible (like a plane crash) for a woman to have an orgasm while giving birth, I feel like viewers are taking the title too literally. In general, the concept of orgasmic birth should be more about enjoying the experience. I think there are many ways a woman can increase her chances of enjoying birth, especially -- and not despite -- going without pain medication.

I like to think of childbirth like running a marathon or climbing a mountain. Those who do either clearly can suffer exhaustion and pain, but there is an amazing high they feel upon successful completion from going through something so intense and those feelings would be diminished if any part of the journey were numbed...


Anonymous said...

On another note, I used Hypnosis for my son's birth. And I very much enjoyed it. I wouldn't describe it as orgasmic, but it certainly felt like sensations I'd only feel during an intimate time with my husband.

Aubrey said...

I love Love LOVED my sons, waterbirth. I think back on it and just get chilled because it was so awesome, and I just want to go back and do it all over again. I didn't have an orgasm but it was defiantly a pleasurable experience. I tell people how much I enjoyed laboring and birthing him, and they think I am nuts. Their loss!

Anonymous said...

I have not told many people about this because they would think I was crazy, but I did have a couple of orgasms during labor.