Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Herbal expertise

Someone asked me for reading suggestions on midwifery herbs...

I haven't cracked a book on the subject in a while, but my mind went to two tomes: The Byrthe of Mankynde, the first known midwifery text written in the English language in the 16th century. Of course, the book is written in Olde English so it is a bit hard to parse its concoctions...I read an original copy at the Harvard Medical School's rare books department (you can't actually take the book out of the room, and it was while ago, so my memory may not be right) but I found a repro version exists on Amazon in the UK. Too geeky to ask for my birthday?

Another cult classic (circa 1979) is by Jeanine Parvati, called Hygieia: A Woman's Herbal.

Anyone have other ideas?


sbee said...

My favorites are Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year by Susun S. Weed (don't you love when someone's name matches their vocation - like the old days?)

and The Natural Pregnancy Book: Herbs, Nutrition and Other Holistic Choices by Aviva Jill Romm

Amanda said...

Herbs & Aromatherapy for the Reproductive System by Jeanne Rose

Tina Cassidy said...

My friend Dr. Bill Cammann, aka the epidural honcho at Brigham and Women's in Boston, sent me a copy of a journal article he worked on in Anesthesia & Analgesia (2002;94:690-3)that raises questions about the safety of pregnant women taking herbs that can alter coagulation, etc. It is worth reading.

pinky said...

I am glad you brought up the point about coagulation and herbs. The problem is that some herbal remedies may not be safe for pregnant women. Herbs are not FDA approved. They don't have to be so they may vary quite a bit. Also you should speak with your healthcare provider before taking anything when you are pregnant.