Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Our new baby, installment #30

This is Harrison. And me. If you look closely, you can see that the cord is still not cut. We waited until it stopped pulsing and it was tied off with a string. Still no sign of that placenta. So after what seemed like an eternity holding Harrison in the tub, the midwife told me I should get out, and let gravity help expel the afterbirth. I felt a little wobbly in the knees. I handed the baby to my husband, climbed out and walked to my bed, which I had made up like a layer cake of sheets and shower curtains.


Natalie said...

Beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing photos and letting us live vicariously through you!

mamaofquiteafew said...

What a precious moment, Tina! Congratulations to you on that beautiful little baby! Welcome to the world, Harrison!

Anonymous said...

A beautiful picture!!
Little wet baby!

I wanted badly to have a picture of my baby attached to the placenta, all went well and I was able to leave him attached until it came out. And then I cut the cord. My husband did the first time, I wanted that moment the second time.

Amanda said...

I wish I had a photo of my water birth. Although it was the most truly amazing moment of all the deliveries.

Enjoy Birth said...

Very Sweet. You look lovely! He is so cute! Congratulations.

pinky said...

ok Tina. Now you've done it. Why the pulsating cord thing! I can take the water birth. I can take the Vbac. But what is it with the delayed cord clamping thing? Folks get really jazzed up about it. My problem is that Nicu Doctors where I work, hate it and they site good cause for dislike. I have looked up studies ad infinitum and relooked them up. If you have good sources please share them with me. I will change my mind if you give me a good reason.


CornishScotts said...

Interesting.... my placenta took 2.5 hours to come out at my HBAC and I wonder if had I been in the hospital and had docs yanking on it, would there have been a problem. I speculate it had a slight accreta and needed more time to disengage, thankfully I was at home with a patient midwife and it could do just that!

CornishScotts said...

Chris, here are some evidence-based sites on why premature cord clamping is dangerous to the baby and a very bad idea:




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